Monday, May 31, 2010


One way I have learned to cope with living in Southern Illinois is to party. I'm really not much of a drinker so I get to soberly watch the stupid people. It's amazing. Lets just hope they are on their own path to enlightenment. Some may find it in the toilet. Or the sink, which poor Riley had to unclog. Chunks of hot dog. So yummy.

Anyway, I just sit around and sip my Sprite and Captain Morgan while everyone else chug beers, downs shots, and get totally wasted. Don't get me wrong, getting trashed can be fun, but I just prefer not throwing up or feeling like a bus ran me over (or would it be a tractor here?).

I have become much more social the past year or so. I guess bonfires and rednecks are growing on me. And my circle of friends are pretty redneckish. Gotta love em' though.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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