Monday, March 1, 2010

A beginning.

A new journey shall begin.
“Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be...Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before.” -Erich Fromm

Ok, so this blog will definitely not be about a spiritual journey but it will be about a strange new world. Maybe I will be enlightened and find new meaning in life. Probably not. But I can always give it a shot!

The following is based on my daily adventures with Nana. For those of you not in the loop, Nana is my grandmother (all those silly kids in school thinking she was my nanny-HA!). She's from So Ill (I just love saying it like that), which is why she is the Native Nana. Me, I grew up in Florida. With a beach. And no snow. Personally, these people that think they live in the true south can take their snow and shove(l) it. People around here are always heading to the beach and enjoying a day on the sand. Uh, unless I completely flunked geography, Illinois is a land locked state. Maybe if you live in Chicago you could get away with heading to the beach, since the Great Lakes are like a small ocean. But in So Ill, there are lakes and ponds with mud and scum floating in the murky funk they like to call water.

Don't get me wrong, living the small town life has it perks, mostly the traffic-less-ness of the area, but it sure ain't a southern city!

One enterprise I endure occasionally (notice how that sounds negative) includes sheep. Yes. Sheep. I know, Mary had a little lamb.... That is quite true in my case. My adoring husband is also a sheep farmer. His family owns a quaint little farm with lots of beans and corn encompassing most of the ground around it. Beans and corn, that about sums about Southern Illinois. Ha, just kidding. Well, kind of. But, the sheep are actually quiet interesting. Being raised in the city, I never thought I'd see the day I married a farmer. It's the best though. And the lambs are thoroughly cute.

As you can see in the picture somewhere around here, sheep make lots of muck. So much much in fact, that if you are not careful when you step down it will suction to your foot and your next step will be with only a sock into the muckiness. oh. Yummy. On a last note of sheep, they really aren't too bright either. They get their heads stuck in fences and when you pour food in their trough they all go to just one end to eat. Uh, smorgasbord on the other end guys!

Until next time...

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