Thursday, August 26, 2010

Holy Crap it's been a Year!?

Bridget turned one year old this week. I cannot believe it (every time I hear or say that I think of the Little Einsteins...come on people with small ones, you know just what I'm talking about)! We had a birthday party for her with our family. It got to be harry a few times, but what do you expect with three little boys all between 3-5 years old and a little girl who thinks she is a 4 year old boy? Regardless, it was fun. At one point my sister started looking around for G. No one could find him. Then we realized all the boys were gone and the door was open. Naturally we started freaking out so half the house runs outside. There they are. Graham, Aidan, and Tyler lined up on the side of the driveway - peeing. Well G wasn't but the others were. Good Lord. Such boys. They got into a little bit of trouble for running outside but it was so damn funny, what could you do!? B enjoyed her gifts and loved the attention. The cake was just ok though.

We also ate at The Ranch (short for El Rancherito). B loved her some fried ice cream and mac n cheese. The high light was her playing with Pudgey cat. G actually liked her presents more. He was in heaven playing with everything. We also do not encourage gender stereotypes in our household. If you couldn't already tell... Erm, maybe we should? Ha! He loves Snow White though. And isn't he adorable as a little princess! It makes G and B look like siblings!

Until next time... The Magniloquent Mary

p.s. I didn't take any of these pictures =( My camera was dead.

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