Tuesday, January 25, 2011

There really is a beach here!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG I WAS IN HEAVEN TODAY!!! Ok, it was almost that good. Grandma and Grandpa took us to South Padre Island today. It was so gorgeous. The sun, the sand, the water, the salt. I miss every bit of it. Even the sand in my ass crack and floor board of the car.

We left super early. Grandpa drove. Just in case anyone was curious he has Alzheimer. Which means every few minutes he had to ask/be reminded where we were going. With that being said,. he is still a better driver than Grandma. It gets pretty comedic at times. Like when he thinks you're a spook in his house, or when he forgets your bed isn't his bed and you turn on the light to go to bed and find him in it. etc. Bad. But funny.

After an exhilarating 90 mph car ride where no one knew where we were going we arrived at south Padre. They have to bulldoze the roads there. The sand blows onto them. I found that amazing. In Florida we couldn't keep the sand. In Texas they can't get rid of it! After driving around for almost an hour looking for a public beach access we found a pay to park place. I kept finding public access but they kept arguing that they weren't public. I guess I can't read. They were going slow enough. 5 mph in a 40 is kinda scary actually.

I saw my first oil rig! Isn't that funny...growing up in Florida and never seeing one. Maybe I fit in better here than I though...uh oh....

Grandma and Grandpa didn't even want to get out of the car! I was all up in that sand. Oh it was so yummy. I could have spent the entire day sitting in the sand (which was actually kinda cold...) But they looked bored in the car so I climbed back in. Patrick even asked to drive. I knew I was going to live to make it back to McAllen.

We decided to stop at a giant sea shell. There was also a giant monkey and volcano. It was a gift shop with dinosaurs and all kinds of cool giant thins. I say giant a lot. Oh well.

The gift shop was kind of lame. They had cold drinks and a whole lotta Jesus paraphernalia. Don't get me wrong, Jesus is great and all, but I wanted sea shells not crucifixes. But I enjoyed looking around none the less.

Turkey sandwiches, cards, and dominoes again tonight guys. Cheers.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary.

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