Saturday, February 26, 2011


It's lambing time at the farm! Well, lambing time has pretty much passed but the babies are bountiful! They range from a couple weeks to a couple days old. One baby is already close to the size of it's mommy. He is so sweet to watch. I love watching them try to eat the hay. They think they can but they have no idea what they are doing. They bounce and hop everywhere, especially if it's a really cold day. When you catch one they just become limp noodles in your arms. Woolly little legs stick out from all angles. Pointy black ears stick out to the side and those dark shiny eyes start to droop. And then you realize those little feet are covered in shit and its all over your shirt.


We played with the babies all afternoon and let their mommies chew all up on my shirt. Gotta love my little lambs. Frozen to the bone and covered in mud and other liquidish items up to our knees we called it a day and headed in to change. I hate how the babies are born so early in the year. They start coming around the beginning of January and taper out through the month of February. I've heard some horror stories too. I'm really glad I only participate in the-play-time-after-the-births-and-all-the-babies-are-doing-fine time. They lose several babies from the cold. I find it horribly sad. Lambs are so sweet but so very disgusting also. And pretty dumb. A couple springs ago we went to check on the sheep and I kept hearing a pretty awkward "Baaing". We started investigation and found an ewe with her head stuck in a fence. She had eaten all the yummy treats on the other side and got the wool on her neck tangled in the wire. Oh they are so intelligent!

Until next time...The magniloquent Mary

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