Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oh yuck, ice.

So February is here. I haven't been anywhere or done anything. It's too cold and icy outside for much of anything. I have been walking some - when it's above negative 20,00 outside (ok, so maybe just above 30...). The weight loss is starting. I miss being able to eat what I want, when I want. But I decided if I could quit smoking I could lose some weight! So far, the smoking has been easier. =X But I'm about 6 weeks into the exercising and I am feeling pretty good. The best part, I can breathe while exercising. Couldn't do that before with the smoking. It's a whole friggin life style change up in here! Oh and the Native Nana and Husband quit too. Now for Nan to quit the food she makes me eat...oh her Mac n Cheese....ANYWAY

These are the times when I just really truly hate the northern areas of the united states. I keep telling myself I live in the south...I live in the south...the south...the south...south...south.....southern Illinois....It just don't work.

We had an ice storm come through the other day. Ya know, cold, frozen yuckiness. The worst part was how many people lost power. I was watching the rain come down and freeze instantaneously outside when I noticed sparks flying in the neighbors yard. The power lines. Of course. As if its not enough to be confined to your house, you have to be cold inside it in the dark too. Boo. We sat at the window watching it flicker and sizzle and pop. Eventually it stopped and we still had power. A few hours later and I heard the loudest poping blow ever. I flew up my steps and threw open the door. What did I see? Flames. In the power lines. And our power started surging. The neighbors houses reminded me of those Christmas light shows that bounce along to the music, ya know? And the best part was the surges were so strong it was making the lights that were turned off at the switch come back on. It was highly amussing. We called the fire department and electric company though because, ugh, these lines were connected to the houses and the lights flickering could not have been good on those old wires. We watched the fire truck for a couple hours. Slow ass electricians. They had to stay present until the electric company showed up. I have to admit, the lights were very mesmerizing through all the ice.

Long story short, we did not lose power! Oh we never had these problems in Florida.

As soon as it warms up Native Nana and myself will be journeying again. All this winter weather has me nauseous!

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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