Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Oh look! My cat's turned five! Pudgey (black and white) and Ellie (gray calico) were rescued at four weeks old. When I still lived in Florida there was a park we visited every night. And every night we fed the stray cats. Most of the cats were a special breed - we referred to them as the Black Creek breed. Because they had been in the area for so many years they all had a certain look - very short legs and tails. But we went every night we could and poured out piles of cat food. People would also dump their unwanted felines at the park knowing they would be taken care of. And we of course adjusted to amount of dry food we strewed across the sidewalks. We would have 10-15 little mounds of cat food lined up so each cat would have a chance to get a bite (these kitties were not the friendliest to each other). When new cats joined the pack they would hide in the woods until all the regulars had their fair share and then come scavenge for left overs. If a kitten joined we would of course try to catch it (always failing) because we knew we would never see them again. One very dark night, Nana and Sarah went to feed the cats. As they were watching the Elvis twins eat (yes, we named them) Nana saw a skunk! And as Nana was trying to register this little tiny skunk, Sarah swept down and snagged him! It was a little black and white Pudgey! They ooed and awwed over the newcomer. Then Nana spotted a little gray fur ball by her feet. Ellie! And so they became mine. Now, I could write an entire blog on these frisky felines so don't be surprised if you come across them again while reading some of my journeys!

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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