Saturday, November 20, 2010

Missouri or Misery?

My family travels. A lot. With that being said, my sister brought the babies to Illinois for Graham's birthday. He turned 4. 4! It seems like only yesterday my sisters hands and feet were like inflated rubber gloves and she was in her 36th hour of labor. But that's another post. This post is about the other reason they came to visit. My grandfather (Eldon) also had a birthday. And he turned 70! 4 vs. 70! Awesome, right? Well my family threw a surprise birthday party for him. Boy was it a surprise. We had to go to Missouri (again, not much better than misery or southern Illinois) to a little itty bitty town.

It was nice seeing family I haven't seen in forever though. Eldon was very surprised to see my sister and the babies though. We tried to take the kids outside to run off some energy but it was so damn cold! I miss Florida. =( November in Florida is so much nicer than November in the midwest. It's just cold here. And brown. And yicky. At least December has Christmas lights. ...Sorry for that tangent. Back to the current subject in progress. When the surprise birthday was in full swing, my dad and step mom surprised Graham with his own little surprise birthday party with cake and presents! I was totally impressed with this. I also used surprise a lot over there. Hmm. Anyway, G loved his cake and his gifts from Papa. The day wasn't totally miserable (haha get it?).

After the party cleared G asked to see some cows so my dad took us out to his farm. G and B had a blast petting the cows' noses and ruffling some chickens feathers. The cows were pretty skittish but, considering there were two little boys running around them, that's to be expected. We finished the night off with french fries, cookies and a 2.5 hour drive back to this place where there is no beach.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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