Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh you smelly sheep!

We took the kids to the sheep farm today. They had all the room they could imagine to run and jump and gallop - yes, I'm still talking about G and B, not the sheep! G was slightly afraid of the sheep...and the dog lol. He got so excited and got Dodgey excited(Husband named him...after the dodge truck...) and when Dodgey jumps, he is bigger than Graham. So G got even more excited and well it was a crazy sheepy, doggy, grahamy mess.

You know what farmers do when they get bored? Go on tractor rides! Well, it was the highlight of a 4 year old's day. And it wasn't even a tractor, it was a Ranger (for those non farming folks out there, that's an all terrain vehicle...I think)...but no need to break Grahams heart. Patrick took us around in the fields. We went down by a creek and watched some deer scavenge for leftover beans. Sadly I don't have any pictures of that.

Sarah and B sat in the back all tucked in and cold. They had fun but they were freezing! Dodgey chased us for a while and G thought it was hilarious! Then, Tim (father-in-law) passed us in the field on a skid loader and G thought that was even better! I never would have thought farm equipment was funny....

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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