Saturday, January 29, 2011

The end of a warm day.

We have actually been home for a few days. I just wasn't ready to officially post the end of a warm vacation.

The last day there we played Bingo at Dairy Queen. It was a blast. I also finally got my mexican food in! Taco's from DQ! I thought it was hilarious. The grandparents don't really care for Mexican food...even though they live 3 miles from the border....I was disappointed. Especially when I bit into my DQ taco and it cut the roof of my mouth. Damn fake Mexican food!

After the disappointing meal, we headed over to Chimney Park. It's a RV park the grandparents use to vacation at but they thought it was too busy. AND they didn't like being on the Rio Grande. Yes, I SAW MEXICO! We knew they weren't going to take us to Mexico so we didn't even bother with Passports. But it was pretty amazing to look at Mexico just 50 feet away. But Border Patrol and Game Warden was thick out there. Just earlier that day A woman missionary from the area was killed from the ridiculous drug wars going on. I didn't know that was what was going on at the time (found out today) but it makes since. I got a few pictures of the vehicles and people. Patrick's aunt tried to get pictures and got in trouble...I guess "Go me!" I placed people strategically in front of items i wanted photographed so no one knew what I was really aiming for!

We went to a cemetery near their RV park after Chimney Park. Grandma just wanted to show me the Angle carved from a tree stump. It was slightly impressive. However, I was more impressed with the palms. And I wasn't sure we would make it to the airport on time since my watch read 10 till 3 and the plane was suppose to leave at 3:30. But we made it. And even had to time get a drink. Talk about a small airport.

The rest of the day was uneventful. We did eat at TGIF in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. And I got overly excited when I looked at the window and realized I could see the gulf ocean AND a wind farm. So amazingly awesome. Mostly, we were both just exhausted from our vacation with old people. They go to sleep at 1 am and got up at 5 am and expected you to be up also. If you happened to be allowed to sleep in until 7 it was just that...sleeping in. Ugh Old people/retired farmers.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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