Monday, February 6, 2012

A day on the farm

We took G and B to the Sheep Farm today. Man, did they have a blast. We all froze today because when they say it's winter in southern Illinois, they ain't lying! G was afraid of the sheep and the dog named Dodgey (my husband named him after his dodge truck. Awesome, right? They also had a cat named Flower Pot once.) He really wanted to pet both but would just get overexcited and spazz out. It was ok though. The kids got to run wild while they were there. Lots of ground and not many places to go. Hey, that about sums up this section of the US in general... Anyway, we took the kids on a "tractor" ride. Really it wasn't a tractor, just an all terrain vehicle, but no reason to break G's heart. After getting our body temperatures down to about -2 degrees we decided to head back to the warmth of home. Ok, so maybe we didn't get that cold....

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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