Monday, February 18, 2013

Paneling. Everywhere.

This house was covered in paneling.  Yeah, it was built in 1972 but come on!  I'm not a wood kinda gal either.  And I like cheap and easy.  So we just painted the paneling.  Yeah we primed it first don't worry.  Well let me rephrase that.  I primed and painted. Every. Room. In. The. House.  I did have help here and there.  Nana painted windows, doors and trim for me (thank goodness!)

The first room I worked on was the main bathroom.  I thought since it was smaller it would be easiest.  Well let me tell you it is in the process of ANOTHER redo.  The light fixtures didn't even have glass covers on them.  And the bathtub is just a shower!  But since I am a budget shopper (and refuse to pay the price hardware stores want for vanity cabinets) it is a slow go.  For now this is what we have done to it.

Ignore the mess around the room.  This picture was taken quickly as I had forgotten to take one before and I was on my way out the door to see my mom in St Louis. We painted the room prickly pear, which I am kinda done with right now.  But it is still better than the paneling!  The trim and doors and cabinets all got painted a gloss white.  Really brightens the space up...hahahahaha! Also, the person who built this house made a little lit window between the bathroom and hallway... Kinda awkward because I could watch Patrick pee from the hallway.  Not exactly something I enjoyed. So we bought some window film and put over the plastic.  Very pretty and now I can't see him in the bathroom (neither can guests!)
The bird clings came cheap from Target.  I found them for like $4 way back when and just held on to them till I found a use.  I kinda like them.  
And the sink is not centered in the mirror....or even usable with the mirror....drives me nuts!  Which is the reason I want a new vanity.  Hopefully I will be able to update the room soon!

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