Thursday, July 15, 2010

Las Vegas!

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! Well I am going to share the information to the world! Well to my blog at least.

Husband's really good friend Riley got married in Vegas this past weekend and we got to be a part of the joyous occasion! Okay, so it was more like just a really really hot occasion. We left from our small town at 3 am so we could spend 2 hours on the road to get on our 7 o'clock flight. Enough numbers right? I was just thrilled to leave Illinois! No one had slept yet either. Exhausted, grumpy, and starving we arrived at the airport in pure confusion. No one knew where to park, whose bags were whose and where anyone else was. Well, let me rephrase that. No one besides myself knew what was going on. We finally got it figured out and made it inside the airport. We had enough time to enjoy a yummy crossainwich from Burger King (I do mean yummy!) before it was time to board.

I tried so hard to stay awake during the flight. I have traveled a lot but I have not been much farther west than where I am now. This was an adventure of a life time! The turbulence is an amazing narcotic. Luckily I woke up in time to watch the scenery change from mountainy forests to desert and then the Grand Canyon! I was impressed. Flying above Vegas was pretty neat too. Every house had a pool. I understood why as I departed the plane. This heat was nothing I had ever experienced. Wow. No. Wow is an understatement. Even Florida heat is tolerable. I don't know how people live in the desert.

After leaving the airport we did a lot of uneventful stuff like get to the hotel, stow our bags and walk around for a bit since it was only 9 am and we couldn't check in yet! I was not happy to find myself walking down Las Vegas Boulevard with an unwashed spray tan dripping down my neck and the fair skin underneath not just burning but shriveling in the sunshine. I could feel the cancer forming. Some how, I managed not to get burnt. Walking in the shade of street signs surprisingly helped. I had Chinese in a food court and bought some sun screen at a CVS and headed back to Excalibur to find a shower. So far I was not impressed with this dry, hot, concrete jungle.

Once I no longer looked like I was sweating iodine and had a decent nap I was raring to go! Patrick and I had tickets to a show at MGM Grand so we enjoyed the airless strip for a little while then ate a delicious dinner at a cafe and headed to the 10 o'clock cabaret. I have never seen so many boobs up close before in my life. We splurged for the front row which left us straining our necks to watch the nudity. The show was still amazing. They could really make their tops jiggle. The girls were suppose to be the canvas for the show of lights, but since we sat so close we just saw boobs. Oh well. A fun first night in Vegas. I don't even think we had started our weekend drinking binge yet. But we made up for it on the coming days..

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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