Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mustard and Ducks

The kids came to visit for a week! We had such a blast I forgot we were in Illinois for a while!

G is a very humorous little one. He loves playing dress-up. So Papa (my dad) came to see the babies while they were here. It was very nice to get to see him. I really enjoyed visiting with him. He made the drive from Missouri (not any better than Illinois, mind you) and spent the day just hanging out with my sister, G, B, and myself. We hooked G's car seat up in Papa's truck so G could go for a real ride. Well all he wanted to do was wear Tyler's (my step mother's grandson) tee-ball helmet and watch "Stewart Little" on the DVD player. What a kid. He was suffocating, but refused to take that damn helmet off. Oh well. He was awfully cute in the over sized hunk of plastic.

Papa also joined us at the park to feed ducks. He wanted to go in the water but Papa kept a firm grip on him. Thank goodness! Poor kid can't swim yet. And duck water. Just ew. Not an adventure I want to take, thank you very much. Sarah gave B some bread to throw to the ducks...but she discovered it was food. So the ducks got no more bread from B and B got a tummy full of slightly stale bread. I know there are worse things for a baby to eat.

Of course we spent a good portion of the time the kids were here enjoying the slide at the local Burger King, but it at least helped the three year olds run off some energy! The little boys discovered climbing on top of the slide was better than climbing down the slide. Getting on to them only made it worse. B was pretty pathetic. We kept telling her she wasn't big enough to play but it didn't make her any happier while watching the boys play.

She found her own adventure at home though, and explored the depths of the fridge. Anytime it was open she was crawling her, as fast as her little arms could travel over the left over G toys to get to the condiment door before it closed. Her favorite topping was the Italian dressing. When G was her age, he always sought out the mustard and then created art like on those mustard commercials. Yummy mustard stains. B never got a chance to show off her creative side before her momma stepped in and stopped the edible chaos.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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