Monday, June 7, 2010


It is the season of Weddings! On mine and Patrick's one year anniversary we were invited to two weddings. We unfortunately could only make it to one wedding. I hear we missed a good party at the other one. But husband's cousin's wedding was beautiful. The poor groom nearly passed out (years of jokes a head for him) but he made a swift recovery! The reception was exquisite. All the tables had white lights lined along them. And the fireflies! Those critters were everywhere. It's like they came out just to dazzle the new couple with their twinkling lights. Along with the bioluminescence of fireflies, they had a candy bar full of bright colored and delicious sour apple rings, lemon lime lollipops, and chocolates. It was a very enchanting evening.

Until next time. The Magniloquent Mary

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