Monday, June 21, 2010

A week of plastic.

We journeyed to Maryland again! This time husband had to stay home and work. How sad. But we had a great time without him! Nana, Momma and myself set off about noon from So Ill (see you in a week icky land locked state!) and got to Annapolis about 5 in the morning. Oh the sleepiness. The drive is always worth it though.

It was Sarah's birthday (she turned 28!) and we celebrated by eating all the frosting off the cukcape. Oh wait, that was just G. And yes, I meant cukcapes. For some odd reason, three year olds can't always get the words out right.

We played in bubbles, and in the little blow up pool. We even played red rover! Which doesn't really work when one team calls everyone from the other team. And of course, played at a park. We just can't get a break from those pesky plastic tubes.

We even had spaghetti for dinner. Can you tell?

One superbly hot afternoon we found ourselves at the Amish Market. It was a highlight of the vacation! You can not believe how much food or how yummy the food was there! Near the back of the market was a baking shop full of every type of herb and colored sugar you could imagine! The produce was unimaginable as was the dairy. And the home made doughnuts! After we spent our life savings on pastries and cheese curds we picnicked in the parking lot.

Earlier that day G got his hair cut. The lady gave him a fauxhawk and he thought he was an Angler fish (Or Angular as he calls it - what a pointy fish!) I love how Momma Stacie holds her grandsons head straight!

For Sarah's birthday we headed out to Ocean City again. This time we stayed a night on the beach. Well, not actually on the beach. Just in a room overlooking the beach. It was beautiful. I so miss the salty sea air, the way the sand slides against my skin when I try to trudge through it (what a work out!) and the bright sun shine reflecting off the gray water. Not a Florida beach but so not a lake either (Hey, Illinois! This is a real beach!). We played on the boardwalk (you guessed it! We ate cheese fries!), rode a bunch of spinning ride that made those cheese fries want to come back up, and enjoyed the sand. We even watched an hour of a three hour parade of fire trucks. It got kind of boring and hot after a while.

On the last day in Maryland we journeyed back to Catoctin Creek. It was slightly warmer so we were able to catch crawdads and play in the water. After getting tired of chasing G and being a supplying the mosquito's with their dinner we went in search of the famous covered bridges of Fredrick county. Apparently, there are only six covered bridges left in Maryland and three are in Fredrick. I found a website through the ancient internet connection on my phone that sent us on a driving tour of the county. All the bridges were within about 5 miles of each other. The last bridge had a playground and picnic area. G heard the word "Park" so we had to stop and play. It was so beautiful that I really didn't mind playing "kill the zombies".

Sorry for having over a weeks worth of blogging in one blog. I didn't know where to stop!

Until next time... The Magniloquent Mary

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