Friday, June 25, 2010

"One More!"

I found myself at another playground today. I have too many three year olds in my life. Mami V and Aidan treated me to a snow cone and swing show off. I can never pass up the opportunity to go for a swing. Although, I do get rather queasy if I swing for too long.

Aidan preferred me to push him on the swing rather than his mommy. I didn't mind in the least. I love me some Aidan. The temperature was near boiling so maybe he enjoyed the breeze of the swinging.

Eventually, we (the adults) had enough of the melting factor and tried to talk Aidan into leaving. His response was "One more!". At the bottom of that dive it would turn into "Three more!" - it was very hard to deny such a tiny voice. About twenty dives later we could leave. Of course at that point he was stretching and we had to talk him out of a second snow cone.

Until next time... The Magniloquent Mary

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