Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beer Pong

The crazy days of summer are in full swing in Southern Illinois. And so are the drinking days of summer. Last night we enjoyed another non sober adventure. Beer pong was rampant as were drunk people falling over and puking everywhere. I have to admit, it was quite a scene. If only we were enjoying the ocean in the background rather than the stiff air surrounding a field of

We were there to celebrate a birthday. The birthday girl, however, was so wasted I'm not sure she knew where she was most of the time. She fell onto the concrete while I was trying to get her to just sit down on the grass. In the process she lost a shoe and didn't realize it was missing until twenty minutes later. She then also realized she banged up her elbow and was bleeding everywhere. And people wonder why I enjoy being sober at these functions. Ha!

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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