Sunday, July 18, 2010

Las Vegas: Day Four

Our last full day in Vegas. I think I have grown accustomed to this place. I'm not sure southern Illinois will be ANY fun when I get home.

The day started out slow. Patrick and I took our time getting up and around, mostly because we were a little hung over. Then we made it to a cafe in our hotel for lunch. While I was eating I got a text from an old high school friend from Florida. She was in our hotel! I was so excited! 1500/2000 miles away from home and an old friend pops up! So after our breakfast (which was really lunch) Patrick and I went and waited for Lauren to meet us at a bar in the casino. And let the drinking ensue! I figured, since it was our last day in Vegas we should start enjoying ourselves. So a couple cranberry vodka cocktails later, me and Lauren were caught up on the last 6 years and we went our separate ways.

James (another traveler of our group) joined us for the remainder of the day. We mostly strolled around the places along the strip we hadn't been to yet while getting a drink from every bar we could find. Every couple of blocks there was a free show to watch. Polynesian dancers, magicians, Sponge Bob. I even started collecting cards for the prostitutes. I've got quiet a stack. We decided to get tickets to a real show since James hadn't been to one yet. We went to Fantasies. It was awesome. When in Vegas, you must see nude shows. I think it's like an unwritten law. I was starting to feel a little queasy at this point. All that alcohol and no food for nearly 12 hours. After the hour plus of boobs galore we headed to our food court for a midnight dinner. The only place open was Auntie Ann's. I really don't care for their pretzels but the pretzel dogs was fantastic!

After we ate we headed to Fremont Street. We hadn't been there yet and we were leaving at 9 in the morning so we were losing time! Of course it was already 1:30 in the morning...We hopped on the bus anyway. It was a very interesting bus trip too. We saw parts of Vegas tourists really aren't suppose to see. And we also met some people who weren't to big of fans of us. I might be a big fan of myself but they were not. I was very happy when we reached Fremont Street. In fact so happy that when the guy who didn't like us got off with us we nearly ran to the Walgreens on the corner. Fremont was a little scary at night. Patrick and James got a head of me since I was taking pictures and I got cornered by a couple guys who wanted to party. Scary! It was the only time I felt uncomfortable in Vegas. Luckily my guys heard me holler for them and came back for me! I was saved. They stuck very close to me from that point on.

We went into every casino on Fremont Street. I even got carded for drinks and poker chips! They never carded me at the other places. It was a little strange. And drinks were really cheap out there too. The typical 9 dollar drink was only 3 on Fremont Street. So needless to say....we got trashed. We were finally tearing up the town! To bad it was four in the morning and the only people out were the people working in the casinos. Except one man who had on a fedora, shorts, tennis shoes, and a tuxedo jacket. I loved it. We mostly drank, gambled, and danced in the street...and in that order too. Those casinos sort of felt like retirement communities though. It was all old ladies with big hair working in them.

At about 5 am, with my souvenir glass from some random casino bar, we decided it was time to go back to our hotel. We started heading back towards the bus stop but noticed a crowd of people down the street. A crowd we weren't sure we wanted to get to close to. So we opted for a nice little cab ride. It was actually a very scary cab ride. That driver was crazy. I think he might have had a souvenir glass too. He laughed at a wreck we saw on Las Vegas Boulevard because a taxi driver he knew's car was on fire! He was laughing! We made him drop us off at Caesar's Palace and walked the rest of the way to Excalibur. James started to follow two girls when we got out of the cab. They kept looking behind their shoulders and then would speed up. And then he would speed up. I called him back to us and told him he was scaring the shit out of them. So he nearly ran to catch up to them after that. Me and Patrick didn't know what he was doing so we ran to catch him. When we did get to him we was apologizing for frightening them. They claimed they weren't scared. Liars. They said a man had already grabbed their butts earlier that day. We offered to stay with them on the main street till they got to their hotel. I felt like a gentleman. Ha! But they were grateful for our drunken companionship.

And then the sun was up! I noticed the sky wasn't an inky black anymore. So we came to a crosswalk and I looked down a street running the opposite direction and I could see a purple color. So of course we took our time getting inside just to watch the sun rise in Las Vegas. Finally, at 6:30 am we were back inside Excalibur. and again, I was starving. Me and James begged Patrick to let us go get McDonald's but he kept saying no. I don't know why we didn't just get food anyway. Stupid alcohol. It impairs your judgment, like making you think you have to do what your husband wants. So we went to our rooms hungry. It was almost 7 by the time we got into bed. I think I slept but I'm not really sure. The alarm went off at 8:30 and I showered and started packing. It was kind of difficult to do either chore when I was trying to figure out if I was hung over or still drunk. And then James let us know they were already at the airport! They abandoned us! But we didn't mind. Patrick and I took our time and were in the lobby at 9:30 like they had told us to be in the first place. And 20 minutes later we were at the airport and even through security. Then we waited till our 12:20 flight back to boring old southern Illinois.

Until Next Time...The Magniloquent Mary

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