Saturday, July 17, 2010

Las Vegas: Day Three.

So, today Husband and I hung out at Mandalay Bay, Luxor and Excalibur. We didn't want to get too far since Riley and Randa were getting married at 8! We just slowly strolled around the casinos and enjoyed the indoor side of Vegas. Of course we gambled a little on the penny machines and enjoyed sandwiches at a little bistro. Then we explored our pool area. I so wanted to go swimming. The four pools were filled with people and I couldn't even talk to Patrick because of how loud the music was. OMG by Usher and was blaring from hundreds of speakers placed all around the sun bathers. And you know the part "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!" yeah. When that started up I thought my ear drums were going to explode. All 18,000 people outside started singing it. Well, maybe not 18,000 but that's what it sounded like. And then I started melting, so we went back inside. Stupid spray tan. I didn't want to look just dirty for the wedding, I opted for the no swimming choice. But while I showered and did the hair and makeup, Patrick enjoyed a dip with the boys in the pool. Guys have it so easy. They can look good in less than ten minutes where us girls it takes an eternity.

So 7:30 rolls around and we head to the lobby to await or limo. It was awesome. All 16 of us fit into it...sort of. We were slightly squashed but it worked. And then it was time for the wedding. It was a very short and sweet ceremony. But we had to stand outside for about fifteen minutes before it started. So there we all were. In our fancy clothes, hair done, make up on...and then our clothes were sweaty, or hair was frizzy and our makeup was running. At least mine was. Me and heat do not mix. And me and standing for an hour in Vegas Stripper heels don't mix either. Man I was glad when I got to sit! My feet hurt!

After the wedding we walked, or rather ran, across the street to eat at the Hard Rock. Delicious food. Awesome fun. I had chicken tenders and a salad. I was beyond thrilled that they had just regular vinegar and oil for the salad dressing (my favorite). As I was eating I kept noticing something sweet. I had no idea what was causing a house salad with cucumbers, tomato, cheese, and lettuce to be sweet. I started investigating. A cranberry! Sweet cranberries just do not mix well with vinegar so I had to pick them all out. The rest of our party thought it was hilarious, me, searching my salad, complaining about cranberries. Don't get me wrong, I love dried cranberries but come on! At least warn me of them! Anyway, the boys got a little out of control with the photo opportunities. My husband just wanted to constantly make change. You know. Grab his crotch. Oh well, it is Vegas after all. We walked around the Hard Rock casino before heading back to change for a night on the town. The Hard Rock had the best pole dancers I have ever seen, all though, I have only seen a couple. The pole was probably twenty feet high and she could climb it to the top. I was just amazed. She must have done well in gym class.

Our group converged on the Keg Room in Monte Carlo for drinks and a little music. The Keg Room was kind of boring so we all had a couple of drinks and headed out to tear up the town! We only made it as far as to the other side of the Monte Carlo though. After a couple hours, countless pennies lost in the slots and countless free martinis later, we all went to bed. It was a loooong night.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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