Sunday, August 29, 2010

Otto not manual!

I cannot believe August is almost over! I always use to say Fall was my favorite season but now I cry when Fall hits. Only because Winter is next. But that is for another post. This post is about the end of August and all the wonderful things I did. I played with a mini mini. Yes. Mini mini. In other words, a baby miniature pony. They call him Otto. He sucked on my hand. Which scared me at first because I somehow did not realize that pony's were not born with teeth. Whoda thought.....We carry him around because there is just something awesome about being able to carry a horse.

The first day I met him he was all anxious for some pets. I reached over the fence (which is only about 2 feet high since it only had to contain a horse three feet high) and was scratching away at his butt and he just kept scooting closer and closer to me. It was so sweet. His back leg was working like a dog and the dust was flying from his rump. Then his legs went wild and he jumped a foot in the air and took off running in circles around some trees all the while I'm howling with pain and laughter from a shocking pain that ran up my fingers through my elbow and into my shoulder. Those damn electric fences. Here we are having a good ole time, so good a time he forgets about the electric fence. Oh the joys of farm life.

On to a different experience. The State Fair. The pride and joy of country living. Of course we went. I ate corn dogs, and cotton candy, and caramel apples, and a steak and potato dinner. Ok so that was spread over a couple of attendances, but still. Fair food is just so yummy. Maybe it's the fact it only comes to the area once a year or that its just covered in all that fatty grease. After we ate all that delicious, greasy food, my cousin and I decided to take our chances on a carnival ride. We strolled down the midway with the game carnys cat calling at us and the tweens freaking out everywhere. Do you guys know how annoying tweens and teenagers are? Well, that's a rant for another day, back to this day - All of a sudden the wind picked up and peoples hats were flying and those tweens were flying after them. A short, sudden, and unexpected rain shower struck. It lasted long enough for all the rides to clear out and the lines to disappear. Me and V just stood in the middle of the midway enjoying to cool wet air after a hot August day. After a sudden and gusty rain shower that was so not predicted we decided on some crazy roller coaster thing to ride. I swear we thought we were going to die, or worse, puke. The steak and potatoes we had eaten churned in our stomachs and we slid in the wet seats and we screamed until our throats were aching. And all those damn tweens just sat there and laughed. Show offs. Definitely something we will never try again. I did get my wonderful husband on the Ferris wheel though! I think I was more nervous than him though. Lame.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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