Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm 23!

Happy Birthday to me! Yesterday was my 23rd birthday! I know, so exciting! Ok, maybe not that exciting. Once that 21 mark hits any birthdays thereafter don't really matter. I mean, they matter but the numbers don't. I decided to take my mom and the Native Nana (whom we have not seen in a while!) to Indiana for a little shopping. I have to admit, I don't care too much for Evansville. It was kinda lame. We went to the mall shopped at the best store known to man (or rather woman) SEPHORA! I could spend days in that shop. We just stuck around that area and went to the little outlet stores around the mall. Nana is not native to that area, so we had no idea what all was there. After a tasty dinner at Olive Garden (I could eat that salad every day!) we came back to the all exciting home. Dontcha just love Southern Illinois? It's so great we have to leave it just to shop!

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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