Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

My absolute favorite holiday! Halloween is so much fun. I carved pumpkins for hours the night before halloween. I can't carve them any sooner because the squirrels live for Halloween also. Last year, I made puking pumpkins and by the next morning, the squirrels had eaten all the pumpkin seed puke. They chew apart the jack-o-lantern faces and devour the little pumpkins we put out. Halloween really is scary! Ha! Anyway, we passed out chips to our trick or treaters - and we had more than 70 I think (which is a lot for around here). Mami V's kiddlet came over with his daddy and chilled with us. His army face paint ended up more under his nails than anything. We ate chili and stopped smoking that night. You heard me right. I quit smoking. All though no one probably even knew I smoked to begin with. But that's ok. You all now know that I no longer smoke! That's what counts right? I'll keep you updated on it.

Until next time... The Magniloquent Mary.

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