Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's almost Halloween!

This is just a quick post and preview for the next post. As you can tell I have the pumpkins purchased and ready for carving. Just have to wait a couple more days. Pudgey cat really likes to chew on the stem. I don't think it will hurt him any. And if he really wants to tackle eating a pumpkin...go for it! I wanna see that.

My aunt was here earlier this month visiting.
Yes, she lives in beautiful, warm, sunny Florida. We went to central Illinois to visit another aunt while she was here. It was a short visit but nice. We didn't do a whole lot when Aunt Joee was here. We ate at the best Mexican restaurant this side of Mexico and climbed a few trees. I have also been practicing my Halloween makeup. Any guesses on what I'm going to be on Halloween?

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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