Monday, December 20, 2010

Baby, it's f*cking cold outside!

Christmas is approaching. I have been so extremely busy lately! Had to decorate and shop and prepare! I swear though, it looks like someone puked Christmas in my house. And I said that to G so now when he sees any Christmas decorations he calls it Christmas puke. I am so awesome!

I'm not going into an extensive blog tonight. I just simply don't feel like it.

My sister, her husband, and the babies came back from Maryland (Maryland must suck worse than southern Illinois!) and my dad, step mom and her grandson came over to visit before Christmas. The first hour was kinda scary. Tyler started out a little rough with Graham but Graham loved playing with him and eventually everyone got a lotta rough. Bridget was just in love with her Papa. Graham liked riding and wrestling with Tyler and Papa. It was a good Christmas visit.

Hmm. The adventures are getting kinda slow. Damn winter. Maybe when it warms up again there will be better adventures!

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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