Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas part 1

I broke up the Christmas posts between the different places I went. Last night, Husband and I decided to venture to a different small town almost an hour away for Christmas eve with his family. OMG. Never again. It was a mother effing blizzard out there! WE had to drive about 20 mph the whole way. So what should have take an hour took almost 2. Ridiculous! We barely made it through the driveway either! And Husband's brother had to push his car in and out of the drive. Sheesh. But I didn't get any pictures from then so I am not blogging about Christmas Eve.

This blog is about Christmas day at the farm. It's not that interesting really. We ate barbecue (she thought we would all be sick of ham etc by then. uhm no. I hadn't had any yet!) And napped on the couch since I was up all night fighting a blizzard and being Santa Claus (it's so much easier to put gifts together the night before vs. during unwrapping!)

We played with the newest baby (due to the parent's wishes the newest nephew is not uploaded online and often not brought up on the internet either...I know, so not fair!). All I can say is he is such a doll!

I enjoyed watching the farm kitties outside and the beautiful cardinals against the snow. So pretty!

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