Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas part 2

And now for at home. This is what we came home to. Everyone was asleep and the house was in shambles. Ha! Yeah we were all tired. Prior to this scene and going to the farm we all go up and opened presents at home. Graham stood at the top of my steps whispering down to me and Patrick "Mimi? Uncle Jungle?" Luckily I was awake and heard his quiet little calls. Usually he is so stinking loud.

Once we got up stairs B attached her self to my hip. She just wanted a warm seat and her apple juice. She didn't care about the presents or anything. She just wanted to sit in my lap and drink. Sweet little Biddy.

And thank god all the gifts from me where ready to go from the wrapping. I had unglued, strung, taped everything. The cars G got from me were just sitting in the box instead of being screwed in and whatever else. The bike he got was even all ready to go. B wanted to ride it more than anything. So I would sit her on it and push her around. I felt like I was part of a doo dobber from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (I don't know what they call the toys in the books but it sounds close enough!).

Until next time...the Magniloquent Mary

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