Monday, January 24, 2011

Mmm warmth.

This warm weather sure is nice. Yesterday when we got in we met half of the park's inhabitants. I didn't remember their names or where they are from but all I have to do is guess Canada and I am right. I don't even want to imagine how cold Canada is in the middle of January. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. The day started out at 5:30 am. That's what time we left to go eat breakfast at Denny's. don't these people know Denny's is open 24 hours and we don't have to be there so early? Well some eggs and a couple cups of coffee later and it still wasn't time to be awake. But it was a nice couple of hours visiting and meeting the Canuks. After breakfast we went and played mini golf. It was a little chilly for that this morning, but we survived. I don't know where old people get their energy. I certainly didn't have any at noon when we finished both golf courses and were sitting down about to eat lunch. Guess what we had? Pizza. And let me tell you, when food is served to people like that you best get your butt up and get some or else there won't be any left! It was like a swarm of angry hornets and the pizza had knocked down their hive. They devoured those pies! Sheesh.

After lunch we headed back to the park. A nap sounded really good so off I went. Grandma and Patrick went to play cards with the other old ladies and Grandpa stayed and I guess just chilled. Finally we took a walk to just enjoy the warm non-arctic air. Just a ways down from the park is an enormous cemetery. My pictures don't do it justice. There were flower arrangements on these graves as big as me! I was impressed. It was absolutely beautiful. I can only imagine what it's like on Day of the Dead. We walked around for about an hour just looking at the flowers and the pecan trees. People were just sitting around the graves having picnics, reading books. It was so peaceful and tranquil. It was like they were really visiting with their loved ones. Those people down south sure know how to do it.

The rest of the night I got my butt kicked playing cards and dominoes and ate turkey sandwiches. Yup. Old people are exciting. And they don't even need naps.

Until next time...The Magniloquent Mary

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