Monday, February 18, 2013


This was the Laundry/Utility room.  It is still in the works to be magnificent.  Well, as magnificent as a laundry room can be.  We are going to build a closet around the "guts" that are exposed and I did hang a cabinet above the washing machine.   But here is what it pretty much looks like right now:
Paint was on the miss-tint shelf at Lowes for $5.  How can you not love a Tiffany Blue?  Clock has no better place to be right now but it was only $20 from a yard sale.  The washer came with the house and dryer we bought....check the fuse box before you buy anything we have two dryers.  Oops.  All in all, this room cost us $5 for paint, some white paint for trim and doors, that we already had and a $200 dryer.  The future close will be a much higher cost.  But I cannot wait for it!

P.S.  The clock face was a fun thing I saw somewhere once upon time on Pinterest.  "I'm Late Anyways" 

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